This is a gourd banjo Ive made. It plays nicely and holds a tuning, and the goat skin head stays tight. The canteen gourd I made it from ,is pretty strong shelled, but I also coated it with a mixture to re-enforce it.
the tuning pegs are violin pegs peg shaved down to fit properly, and the holes were made with a peg reamer. It has a nice wide neck.
I will put more info tomorrow, and pics. here is a video of how it sounds
hope the link works or Ill fix it.
I will give a full week for you to get aquainted with it,,, and if you dont like it, send it back and get your purchase price back , minus the shipping I charged.
If you do like it, which I believe you will, Id appreciate a review here , Im not a known maker, so this is my start.