This banjo is two years old, put together by BHO member Ron Hudiburg. It has an 11" x 9/16" thick maple StewMac pot with a rolled brass tone ring. The pot has multiple laminations and is the one StewMac used for their Eagle banjo kits. Single coordinator rod (the cross piece inside the pot). A heavy 24-notch tension hoop with 24 L shoes, hooks and nuts. A "no knot" tailpiece, top frosted head, Nylgut strings and a 5/8" bridge. It works fine with steel strings too.
The mahogany neck is from Saga. It has a rosewood fingerboard with nice side dots, and an oak heel cap to fit the bottom of the pot. The geared planetary tuners work smoothly and seem to hold tune indefinitely. The fingerboard is 1 3/16" wide at the nut and 1 7/8" wide at the end. The scale is 26 1/4". This banjo weighs 6 lbs.
No case offered, but banjo will be professionally packed.