I bought this banjo from Doc Foster here on the hangout a couple of years ago. I have used a portion of his original advertisement as it is very good. "The banjo is a Walnut Style 2 with FON 9598-26 in both the rim and resonator. It has a punched Grover Presto tailpiece. The back of resonator is over sprayed, but the sides have the original finish. The metal is in great shape with only slight pulling up of the flange (what you would normally expect to see). The tone ring is the new Huber ring. It is stamped with the research prototype numbers. It sounded great when we were testing some different tone rings on pre war rims at Huber's shop so I talked him into selling it to me so we plated it and now it has a permanent home. The neck is a Huber in walnut with wreath inlay. The MASTERTONE block is at the 22 fret not the 15th typical of some wreaths. This banjo is crazy good with this ring." Feel free to email me with questions. Thanks for looking.