Lost a Baldwin Ole style C, a Long time ago. (12 years) in Florida panhandle/either coast areas OR CENTRAL AREA, Vero Beach, Melborne area. It has 4 Keith Tuners on it. A Blond Tweed Case (that should raise heads), a custom resonator (not Baldwin one) with the "Fleu De Les" french symbol on resonator rear. The Bridge was a curved one, custom made in T or C, New Mexico, also a Gibson standard tail piece w/lid and armrest, not Baldwin stock.
The headstock is unique because it has a large chip out of it and the wood has a light pattern in it, unlike straight dark or black normal Baldwin fiddle headstock. It may still have a 5-star head on it (Star is visible on head beneath the strings). Serial # is being currently searched for. Also, like other classic Baldwin Ode's it weights alot. Picture will be here soon. Heard many years ago, it was being sold in a music store in the Vero beach area, but I was too late.