I purchased this off EBay from BanjoWorks on Cape Cod. They had done a "one off" to see if an affordable and playable banjo could be made from vintage parts. This banjo has all original BayState 13" pot, hooks/feet, tailpiece. Has a Dobson neck with oriental sourced inlay up the neck and peg head/back strap. Looks very nice. Calfskin head, and currently has Gold Tone Cello Banjo strings on it, with a compensated bridge. Sounds great, but it's just not my cuppa tea. It wasnt identified as a cello when I bought it and was strung up with light steel strings. Sounded terrible! I figured out what it was and got it sounding pretty good. It probably needs some more set-up by someone who nows what they are doing with these things. Comes with a hard, arch top case. I can send better photos on request. Might trade for open back 5 string of some sort.